met·a·phys·ics [met-uh-fiz-iks]
noun, ( used with a singular verb )
Math does not tell us what reality is. Math is merely an imaginary calculating machine designed to impose some sense of order on our observations. If a mathematical model in ten dimensions accurately predicts our observations, it only means we have a ten dimensional mathematical model that accurately predicts our observations. It does not necessarily mean the universe actually has ten physical dimensions. If accurate, verifiable observation ever contradicts the math, guess which will be deemed real and which imaginary and wrong?
Perceptions are imaginary constructs within our minds. That is why a set of perceptions may contain paradoxes but reality cannot. Reality contains no paradoxes.
If parallel lines converge, could something that looks like it's getting bigger actually be getting smaller?
What belief system contains some truth of substance that distinguishes it from one that is purely imaginary?
Place a needle in the groove and draw it down the track. If the music is your self-awareness, what are the needle and the groove?
The physical universe is insufficient to explain the sum of all existence and mankind has yet to propose a defensible answer. What possible paradigm has no time or size?
Every time a life begins, a new universe is created. Every time a living thing dies, a universe is destroyed.